Rapid Transformational Therapy®

RTT® is a hybrid therapy developed by world-renowned therapist, Marisa Peer. RTT® uses elements of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This innovative layering technique helps individuals achieve personal breakthroughs with permanent, lasting results.


How does it work?

Too often conscious willpower isn’t enough. Emotion wins and we find ourselves falling back to old patterns over and over again. RTT® helps change perceptions and thoughts by tapping into the subconscious mind. We are able to find and clear out the hidden patterns or limiting beliefs and install positive suggestions — like planting seeds to grow in the subconscious mind. New beliefs are able to take root, typically in just one session.


How does it feel?

Hypnotic trance is a completely natural state of inward focus, similar to the experience of a meditative state — like being completely absorbed in a book. This heightened state of focus gives the mind more control, not less, allowing the subconscious mind to become receptive to positive suggestions.


Personal Transformation Package

Personal Transformation is just that — personal. The process is defined, but each session is custom-tailored to you, the individual, your issues and your goals.

Each Personal Transformation Package includes:

Insight Session

(30 min. over Zoom)

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After your free consultation and you’re ready to proceed, we will reconnect to gather details, define the issue at hand, the goals and the expected results.
• 30 min. over Zoom
• Review intake forms
• Gather additional details and insights
• Identify desired changes and goals
• Quantify the ‘current status’ with rating scale measurables

Comprehensive RTT® Session

(2 hrs. in person or on Zoom)

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Using guided hypnosis, we access your subconscious and use regression to get to the root cause of your issue. In this suggestible state you are more receptive, allowing blocks to be removed and replaced with new, positive beliefs.
• 2 hours in person or over Zoom
• Review desired changes and goals
• Outline each step of the RTT session
• Complete guided hypnosis and regression therapy

Custom Empowerment Recording

(20 min. Digital Audio Recording)

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At the RTT session an audio recording will be created for you to listen to for 21 days. This is the positive reinforcement required to give the seed planted in your subconscious the ability to take root and flourish.
• Digital audio recording (approx. 20 min.)
• Listen to a Sample Recording

Coaching Exercises & Support

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For 30 days after your RTT session, I am available via email 24/7. During this time, I will reach out with two coaching exercises to support you on your journey.
• 30-day unlimited email support
• 2 post-session coaching exercises

Follow-up Session

(30 min. over Zoom)

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After 21 days we will reconnect to quantify your progress and celebrate your life-changing transformation.
• 30 min. over Zoom
• Review changes and goal progress
• Quantify change in ‘current status’ rating scale measurables

 Your investment for this all-inclusive package is $500 CAD.

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